Mobilize the treasure of resources that exists within you to move efficiently toward your goals & maximize your impact
Mobilize the treasure of resources that exists within you to move efficiently toward your goals & maximize your impact
Discover the gold nuggets within you or your team
I help teams and individuals become more adaptive, resilient, and efficient by soliciting their inner resources and valuing their specificities and strengths.

Lorraine Berthoud
ICF Professional Certified Coach
As a trainer and teacher for more than 20 years, guiding and facilitating teams and group dynamics have become a second nature.
As a coach, supporting leaders, teams and groups as well as fostering the emergence of personal/collective intelligence is in my DNA.
No matter the context, my cross-cultural professional and life experience allows me to quickly adapt to help you discover the “golden nuggets” within you or your team.
Work with me when you…
Long to promote:
- Organizational culture based on respect and aligned with values
- Sustainability for both human beings and production
- Connectedness and community
- Work with passion
- Valorisation and empowerment of the diversity and uniqueness of each team member’s contribution
Look for ways to:
- Move from patterns of stuckness to more constructive interactions and efficiency towards your goals
- Promote an organizational culture where trust, commitment and results walk hand in hand
- Improve communication
- Make relationships more constructive
- Mobilize and maximize potentials and impacts
- Increase adaptability and resilience
- Create a secure space/time of self observation, awareness, analysis, curiosity and creative exploration, thus making it possible for you/your team to make choices that better serve your/their mission, vision and purpose

Honestly I was not a big believer in coaching, but the chemistry was amazing and I was most surprised how quickly Lorraine was able to adapt and understand my way of thinking and personal values. She left a mark and helped me understand myself and the world better, translating something perhaps negative or neutral to something positive.
Baris Ekici
Manager at Eaton, Germany
What is coaching?
It is a creative and stimulating process elaborated in collaboration with your coach to catalyse your achievement of your goals. It’s a wonderful process based on a Coach-coachee (person being coached) relationship, which allows you to achieve high levels of awareness and lifelong learning about your beliefs and behaviours. It is setting yourself in motion towards that which you have always dreamed of achieving, where you recognize your abilities and resources, and discover the possibility of using them in all aspects of your life. It supports you in the process of getting to know your essence, where your great engine, your purpose and your motivation are.
What is coaching not?
It’s not consulting. I won’t tell you what you need to do.
When stepping back, you’ll know best what you need. I’ll be there to nurture your reflection through questions, to support your exploration and to shine the spotlight on your resources in order for you mobilize them towards the impact you wish to have.
It’s not therapy/counselling. Although we might touch on the past shed light on the present, we won’t dig in the past, and there’s no intention of curing anyone.
How does coaching work?
Having conversational sessions (virtual/ presential) during which, according to your needs and through powerful questions, we’ll reflect on your aspirations, vision/ (perception) of the world, and on your reality. You’ll gain in awareness about what is at stake in your situation, and then gain power of choice, new courses of actions, to create and experience a different reality. We’ll build your process around this exploration and its benefits.
A lot of your work and process will happen between sessions: when you act on the new perspectives you’ve gained in the sessions, and when build new experiences and interactions, to anchor your discoveries.
Where do presential sessions take place?
In La ruelle 7, 1117 Grancy, Switzerland.
Can anyone be coached?
Whether you feel stuck or simply want to get to your next level and develop your potential, to benefit from coaching, you need to be ready to reflect and open to change.
Are results guaranteed?
The result of your process depends on what you put in it. The process starts within the secure place of the alliance between the coach and the coachee. Your putting things into action will be your responsibility. You will make yourself accountable to yourself and to your coach about the steps you have decided to take. If there are brakes impeding you to move forward, we shall look at them and try to overcome them, but the decisions will always be yours. To achieve your goals you will need to put your willingness and truth into action but I guarantee you that your practical exploration will work towards more assertiveness and determination.
What coaching tools will be used in the process?
The generic approach is Co-active coaching, in which clients are considered to be whole, and just need support to access their own resources. A variety of approaches will be integrated in the processes, according to the situations (The Leadership Circle, Emotional Logic, Motivation Factors, …) But the coaches’ main tool is him/herself... their intentional presence and their skills to integrate all available resources in your service.
What’s an ICF credentialized/certified coach?
Many people call themselves coaches or their activity coaching, but not all refer to the same thing. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the world's leading organization dedicated to promoting the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and creating a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. An ICF certified coach has thus qualified within strict professional standards. ICF credentials are earned through proven training and exams, and they are only renewed through justified/proven ICF approved Continued Education Credits, to make sure that their coaches always keep learning and widening their approach.
What if I feel Grancy Coaching is for me but I cannot afford it?
Feel free to contact me and we’ll see if we can figure something out together.